Most children will have their needs met by quality first teaching or ordinarily available provision. All children’s progress is monitored on a regular basis, including discussions between class teachers, year leads, phase leads, assessment lead, inclusion lead as well as the headteacher. If a child is not making expected progress, they will be given further support as part of our ordinarily available provision (OAP). If this support does not result in progress additional to the OAP and on occasions different from the OAP are provided and further from this external advice and support maybe sought.
Ordinarily Available Provision (or Quality First Teaching) might include:
- differentiated delivery
- differentiated outcome for children's work
- visual aids and concrete materials e.g. numicon or number lines
- visual timetables
- vlternative recording methods
- grouping of children in class including learning partners
- spelling banks and or vocabulary banks
- adapted resources
Further information about Ordinarily Available Provision can be found by clicking here: OAP and In Addition to OAP.
At Waverley Abbey, we use a tier system to ensure that your child’s needs are met, so that they can reach their full potential:
Universal / Ordinarily Available Provision
- High quality, differentiated teaching
- For all children
SEND Support (in addition to OAP)
- High quality, differentiated teaching
- And extra short-term support for children making slower progress
Specialist SEND Support (in addition to and different from OAP)
- SEND Support
- And additional long-term individualised support for children still making less progress than their classmates
Statutory Assessment
- Education Health Care Plan For children with more complex needs (it is worth noting that having a diagnosis e.g. of ADHD, ASD or dyslexia does not mean that a child needs an EHC Plan).